First-rate Online Tutoring

Giving you the academic advantage you need.

We offer services for KS3-GCSE Maths, Physics, Biology, Chemistry and the 11+.

First-rate online tutoring

The right tutor can be the difference in achieving your desired grade.

What do we teach?

SJR Education provides first-rate online tutoring for students who want to achieve the best possible results. Qualified tutors provide structured lessons tailored to each individual student – working to fix any weaknesses and building upon strengths in a supporting, stimulating and nurturing environment.

We currently undertake:

  • 11+ tutoring

  • KS3-GCSE Physics tutoring

  • KS3-GCSE Biology tutoring

  • KS3-GCSE Chemistry tutoring

  • KS3-GCSE Mathematics tutoring

11+ tutoring - maths, verbal and non-verbal reasoning

Image of book. SJR Education: Online Tutoring Provider

11+ tuition tailored to the strengths and weaknesses of each student, building a fundamental understanding of 11+ mathematics, non-verbal and verbal reasoning and general 11+ preparation.

GCSE Mathematics

Image of calculator. SJR Education: Online Tutoring Provider

OCR / AQA / Edexcel exam boards are supported. Lessons are tailored to the student and cover the entire specification for the qualification. Lessons can be both for Higher and Foundation level mathematics - but lessons tend to push our students so they can achieve the best results possible.

Sciences - KS3-GCSE Physics, Chemistry and Biology

Image of a conical flask. SJR Education: Online Tutoring Provider

Quality tuition for the sciences: physics, chemistry and biology from KS3 to GCSE level. Covers fundamental concepts and ideas, exam questions and preparation, and challenging extension work.

KS3 Mathematics

Image of set squares. SJR Education: Online Tutoring Provider

KS3 Mathematics tutoring building up the foundations needed for GCSE mathematics qualifications. Covers fundamental concepts that are important for young mathematicians and builds proficiency in all areas



Learn from anywhere, using your desktop, tablet or mobile phone. Our tutoring is interactive and practical.


Our tutors have years of experience between them and are experts in their subject fields.


Almost all of our students go on to achieve higher grades than they expected after completing tutoring with us.

11+ tutoring

Establishing the basics of maths, verbal and non-verbal reasoning


Building foundations and teaching core concepts at a GCSE/KS3 level


Covering important ideas in Biology, Chemistry and Physics at a KS3/GSCE level

11+ tutoring

Establishing the basics of maths, verbal and non-verbal reasoning


Building foundations and teaching core concepts at a GCSE/KS3 level


Covering important ideas in Biology, Chemistry and Physics at a KS3/GSCE level


1-2-1 Online Tutoring

We charge £25 per hour for our 1-2-1 Online Tutoring services regardless of the subject. We offer discounts for booking a bulk amount of sessions (10+).

We require a minimum of 4 sessions to be booked in order to receive 1-2-1 tutoring, which can then be conducted on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. 

Group Online Tutoring

Our group sessions are £18 per hour regardless of the subject. 

We require a minimum of 4 sessions to be booked in order to join our group tutoring sessions, which can then be conducted on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. 


"My son undertook 11+ tutoring and was successful in his application to a top grammar school in the UK! I would highly recommend SJR Education - my son said his lessons were very fun and interesting."
-Ibrahim, parent
"Shadman made the hard stuff in the 11+ exam easy for me because of his great teaching. I got into my preferred grammar school because of his help."
-Jibran, tutee
"I had tutoring during weekend mornings for my 11+ exam. I liked how Shadman taught the non-verbal bit of the exam, it helped me a lot even though it was hard sometimes. I got into my best grammar school!"
-Muhammed-Shaakir, tutee