Meet the tutors

Our online tuition team of inspiring, enthusiastic tutors interact with children throughout the entire learning process. We do not believe in one size fits all, instead preferring a personalised, interactive and traditional teaching approach.

Image of Shadman Rahman, SJR Education Founder and Head Tutor. SJR Education: Online Tutoring Provider

Shadman Rahman - Head tutor, founder

Hi, I’m Shadman, the head tutor and founder of SJR Education.

Image of Muhammad Abdul-Qaiyoum, a tutor at SJR Education. SJR Education: Online Tutoring Provider.

Muhammad Abdul-Qaiyoum - tutor

Image of Muhammad-Ali Zahid, a tutor at SJR Education. SJR Education: Online Tutoring Provider.

Muhammad Ali-Zahid - tutor

Placeholder tutor image. SJR Education: Online Tutoring Provider

Prithu Krishnan - tutor

Placeholder tutor image. SJR Education: Online Tutoring Provider

Hadi Muhammad - tutor

Placeholder tutor image. SJR Education: Online Tutoring Provider

Shubhdeep Khasriya - tutor